Thursday, March 17, 2005

Let the Madness Begin - In Montreal

By madness, I mean March madness, baby! The best two weeks for a NCAA basketball fan is upon us, and luckily I'm able to watch the games in Montreal. I'm doing my meetings out of a hotel room, and it's been nice to have the games on right next to me. Montreal is very European, with the majority of the population being French. My parents always told me that I should take Spanish because I'll use it much more, but they were wrong. I've been able to use a little of my French-speaking ability, but I still butcher quite a bit of it. The city of Montreal is located right next to a mountain (More of less a big hill) I haven't had a chance to tour around, but I will on Saturday. My hotel is right off Rue St. Catherines which is the main shopping, bar, and strip club everywhere. Montreal has the most strip clubs per capita, so my area gets a little sketchy after dark. Going to school in a big city such as Montreal seems intriguing, but I think the pace would be a little to fast for my personality. Stuff is expensive also. This is the final destination on my Canadian tour, but I've enjoyed my time up North.